Giveaway / Celebrate summer!
Ph/ by me
Great news everyone! My favorite season has officially started yesterday! w h o o p w h o o p And although the sun is a little too late this year (at least in Prague, that is), there are so many reasons to celebrate this fact.
Summer has always been my favorite out of the four seasons. Especially the beginning of it. Why? School usually ends. It's possible to dine and wine outside. Everybody looks more cheerful (and prettier in skirts and dresses). And it's my birthday by the end of June! whoop whoop To bring you on the celebration ride with me this time, I have prepared a fantastic giveaway for you. Together with Odivi, Freshlabels, Kurator, Nordic Day, Aldo, Metaxa or Win Win love for example. I told you I have great news, didn't I?
Starting tomorrow, each day for a full week (until my birthday on the 29th), I'll be giving out one great gift or package, perfect for summer 2015. That way, just by (publicly) sharing the picture, you'll be able to win awesome stationery set for your summer memories, the perfect travel package, the most sunny outfit, free drinks for your friends and much much more…
Like and keep checking my Facebook page this week and you won't be disappointed!
Léto bylo vždycky moje nejoblíbenější. Hlavně jeho začátek. Proč? Tak například většinou končí škola. Večeřet a vínečkovat se dá bez problémů venku. Všichni vypadají veseleji (a elegantněji v sukních a šatech). A na konci června mám narozeniny! whoop whoop Abych vás letos k mým oslavám také přibrala, rozhodla jsem se uspořádat mega soutěž! Spolu s Odivi, Freshlabels, Kurator, Nordic Day, Aldo, Metaxou nebo třeba Win Win love. Já říkala, že mám super zprávy!
Dejte like a nezapomeňte sledovat moji FB stránku, rozhodně nebudete litovat!