trimmed ends
Wide blue jeans by H&M, white jeans by Acne and slim blue jeans by Zara.
I feel there is a huge difference to effortless, nonchalant elegance, which feels totally self-confident, and to effortless, almost trashy attitude, which to me is screaming for attention trying hard to look like the contrary. With that said you might assume I am not a fan of the grunge style. I really am not and Heidi Slimane did not convince me one bit in his AW13 collection. Yet I take inspiration from it. By dividing the total look into separates. Take the plaid shirts (around waists), the distressed denim and the worn oversized leather. The certain unfinished touch to those pieces is what works well as a contrast in an outfit, a balancing element to avoid the stiffnes.
Such are, for example, the jeans with trimmed ends. Nothing huge, nothing new on the Earth, but something to dress down the denim even more. I've been coveting them a lot. To that point of cutting 4 pairs in my closet and then actually buying new jeans, just because they looked like they have been worn already. Just the right amount of lax to pair with a shirt and pumps.
Přesně tak fungují odstřižené konce u džín. Žádná velká novinka, ale něco, čeho se momentálně nemůžu nabažit. Zatím to dopadlo tak, že jsem vylepšila už čtyři dříve nenošené páry ve skříni a koupila nové džíny prostě proto, že už vypadaly obnošeně. Správná dávka ledabylosti a neokázalosti ke košili a lodičkám.