closet procrastination
an outfit post featuring the combination i wore to Chatty and Denisa Nova shows. it was rather hot that day, could even work with a skirt instead of a winter cap. but i liked the way it worked as a contrast to the elegant pants and pumps i had on and gave the whole outfit an ironic touch.
btw. these pants are an example of closet procrastination. know what that is? they're too wide and not long enough to hide the shoes and compliment my petite-ness so i decided to get them taken in. about 2 years ago. and i still haven't taken them anywhere. together with all those bag handles i wanted to have fixed, all those jeans i wanted to get shortened, all those shirts with tiny holes... and so on. did procrastionation get to your closet aswell?
mimochodem, tyhle kalhoty jsou příkladem šatníkové prokrastinace. nevíte co to znamená? tak například ty kalhoty. jsou moc široké a ne dostatečně dlouhé, aby skryly boty. absolutně nelichotivé mojí prťavosti, takže jsem se rozhodla, že je nechám zúžit. ale už asi před 2 lety. a stále nic. ani jsem nedala opravit ty kabelky, nedala zkrátit všechny ty džíny, nedala zašít všechny ty malé dírky na tričkách... a tak dále a tak dále. zaútočila prokrastinace i na vaší skříň?
EDIT: s ironickou čepkou jsem se zapojila i do Fashion Challenge. zapojíte se taky?