Dreft fashion week - Jindra Jansová
on Friday i had the chance to see the collection of a young designer Jindra Jansova, winner of the Black Card. whilst being a huge fan of minimalism and a certain bulkiness, i didn't find anything new and special in the collection. i have a feeling i've seen it all already and even though the quality and the cuts of the pieces are fantastic, i was missing those little twists i like seeing in overly simple pieces.
after the show there was a little cocktail party for us, bloggers. a good move, since otherwise there would be shamelessly small amount of any kind of media attending for Jindra's show. my intention was to wear a gorgeous "little white" cocktail dress (for a cocktail party? groundbreaker.) by Satori however the cold has forbidden that so instead i went for a metallic blazer of the same brand. i felt warm, comfortable and it got great attention. win win!
po přehlídce následovala malá koktejl párty pro nás, bloggery. dobrý tah organizátorů neb jinak by na Jindry přehlídku přišlo příliš málo jedinců z jakýchkoliv médií. původní plán byl brát krásné "malé bílé" koktejlky (na koktejl párty? převratné.) od Satori, ale zima, co už je ve vzduchu cítit, mi to překazila. namísto nich jsem zvolila metalické sako stejné značky. bylo mi teplo, pohodlně a saku se dostalo zasloužené pozornosti. win win!