wishlist: closet ready
ASOS chain bracelet Topshop bomber coat Zoe Karssen sweater Carvela pumps (via Sarenza) ASOS earrings Givenchy rottweiler tote
i am in the process of cleaning out my closet big time. and meanwhile that is happening there is more and more space getting ready for new pieces. i made one promise to myself though: no more summer pieces, i've got enough of those already. so now i have plenty of time to think about what pieces will join me throughout fall 2012. i'm thinking burgundy.
P.S. don't get confused, i am more than happy that there are still 2 months of summer holidays.
P.P.S. who would have ever thought that aggressive rottweilers would ever be an object of desire?
P.S. nenechte se zmást, stále se těším z léta a jsem nejšťastnější, že jsou před námi pořád ještě 2 měsíce.
P.P.S. kdo by si kdy pomyslel, že kdy zatoužím po agresivních rottweilerech na kabelce?