remember my wishlist from April, that consisted of lot of lilac accents? it's quite hard not to fall for this colour with all the lilacs around everywhere. i remember always getting them for my mum when i was younger, because they usually started to grow by the time of her birthday. and i remember we always had class photos in the park with those in the background. memories.
this F&F shirt caught my attention immediately. even though it's a shirt. with no sleeves. something i don't usually like to wear but in this case, the colour beats it all. and i felt like it would fit perfectly with my new necklace and this minty nailpolish. seems like pastels finally got me. so did the exams unfortunately.
have a nice weekend guys!
tahle F&F košile mě zaujala okamžitě, co jsem jí viděla. i když to je košile. a bez rukávů. něco, co opravdu nenosím. ale barva to všechno změnila! navíc se skvěle hodí k mému novému náhrdelníku a k tomuhle mentolovému laku na nehty. vypadá to tedy, že pastelové barvy mě nakonec dostaly. bohužel stejně to je i se zkouškovým.
P.S. i'm secretly wishing for this sweat. i wanted a simple grey one but this is even better! those contrast sleeves are a lovely touch. should i get it?