day to night
...or from preppy to sexy, should I say? well once you know you'll get back from work/school/wherever late in the evening and you promised your friends you will get to the restaurant/bar/whatever on time this time it's useful to think ahead.
first, put on the evening outfit. then put layers layers layers! it's fun, it keeps you warm and no one in your office/class will be suspicious that you might run away early because of some party.
for me blazers always work. blazers and comfy day shoes. and simple gold jewellery.
once you get back home and you have like 10 minutes to change, all you need to do is to take off thise layers, change jewellery for some statement and shiny pieces and put on darker make-up. in my case, it was the lipstick. [Jungle red lipstick by NARS + Train Bleu Velvet Matte lip pencil by NARS]
napřed se oblékněte do svého večerního outfitu. a pak přidejte vrstvy vrstvy vrstvy! je to sranda, udrží vás v teple a navíc vás nikdo v kanceláři/třídě nebude podezřívat, že byste kvůli párty utekli dříve.
bonusová fotka na mé: FB stránce.