detail / single earring
Ph/ Zuzana Drachovska
Wearing a statement earring and blazer by Zara.
Few months ago, the AW14 runways, with Louis Vuitton, Céline and Isabel Marant in the lead, delivered a new trend offering one well-dressed ear with leaving the other one out of it. Ideal both for minimalists and maximalists I would say, as it represents the right balance, when there is actually no balance at all.
Just when I thought this trend has come and gone already, I saw the cover of i-D's fall issue with the gorgeous Sasha wearing the leading one sided statement of this season - the LV Essential V earring. Beautiful as it is, Zara has quickly made a more budget friendly version which didn't take long way into my pocket. Or should I say earlobe? I love the confusing and slightly awkward manner of this trend. Even the shop assistant in Warsaw wanted to warn me from buying a wrong pair with just one earring on and I had to explain that this is the new one-sided opulence taking over.
Když už mi přišlo, že celý trend nějak rychle vymizel, objevil se podzimní i-D magazín s krásnou Sashou Pivovarovou na obálce společně s hlavní hvězdou této sezóny - LV Essential V náušnicí. A protože je tak nádherná, Zara obratem přichystala budget friendly verzi, které to netrvalo moc dlouho do mé šperkovnice. Respektive lalůčku. Baví mě matoucí podstata tohoto trendu, trochu jak z pohádky Koloběžka první. I prodavač ve Varšavě mě zachraňoval od koupě rozkradeného páru a musel si nechat vysvětlit, že tohle je jen nová, jednostranná, forma opulence.