mission: Wang
Ph/ ok, sister
Vid/ Black Biscuit
Everyone is wearing total Alexander Wang x H&M look.
Waiting for the cableway to finally arrive. This is out of spite, really. Plus that guy at the ticket portal kept looking at Filip in a rather weird way. Hopefully he won't insist on showing our bags to him. Like this, we can still pull off between a normal siblings couple, on our way for a nice walk in the mountains, right? I mean, Filip could probably explain all the cables he's carrying but what about those special switches? "Hello, what are you up to?" Oh, nothing much, just stopping by to open a hole in space and then we'll be gone again." Not sure what his reaction to that would be. Anyway, where the hell is that cableway? Kaa will be thinking we left it up to her. And I'm not very fond of upsetting an alien telepathic, to be honest.
The hotel is a ghost town. A few well-aimed circulars and the whole hotel completely cleared. Pretty proud of myself for this. But I'm sure Kaa's taking it for granted, while explaining the diagram for all the electromagnetic shit, as per usual. Maybe she's just nervous. I would be, anyway.
The portal's open - goodbye Earth, time to fly to space now! Well, not flying, transporting, as Kaa would let you know. Whatever. In a few minutes we'll be at a whole different planet!
Goodbye mum and dad, don't be sad. Me and Filip will take care of each other. And in a few years - when that correct position of the Earth and the New Earth occurs again - you'll be able to visit. The doors in between worlds will open...
Mami a tati, nebuďte smutní. Budeme s Filipem spolu a víte přece, že se o sebe vždy postaráme. A časem snad budete moct přijet za námi, až zase nastane správné postavení Země a Nové země. A dveře mezi světy budou otevřené...
The story continues here and here.