8 ways to wear your H&M shirt
.. or any other shirt in that matter.
i often play with my clothes. i agree with the statement that fashion is a game like any other. it's fun and you can make different and different outfits just by playing with the single garments. i often create belts from my handbag straps, ankle shoes from high boots, 3/4 pants from normal long pants, skirts or tops from dresses and so on.
so there i am one day, infront of the mirror wearing this exact black shirt by H&M. and even though i tried the exact same outfit i was wearing the evening before, in the morning i just didn't like it. you see, i think i'm not a shirt type. a collared blouse of any type just isn't for me. not even a polo shirt [and i have LOADS in my closet!]. i tried it so many times but after a whole day wearing it i have to take it off and throw it far far away. i just hate it all of sudden. don't take me wrong. i love shirts. i am jealous of those girls that can pull it of so well, look elegant and casual at the same time and even look sexy in it. i just don't like MYSELF in it.
therefore that one morning i tried to change the shirt somehow. first i tucked the collar in. looked okay. but i still wasn't satisfied. so i went on. and i ended with 8 different looks. 8 different outfits with one shirt. pretty good deal right?
často si hraju se svým oblečením. souhlasím s rčením, že móda je hra jako jakákoliv jiná. je to zábava a můžete vytvořit nové a nové outfity hraním si se samotnými kusy. je u mě na běžném pořádku, že si z popruhu (?) na kabelce dělám pásek, z vysokých kozaček kotníkové, tříčtvrťáky z normálních kalhot, sukně a topy ze šatů a tak dále.
tak si jeden den stojím před zrcadlem a na sobě mám přesně tuhle černou košili z H&M. a když jsem si stejný outfit zkoušela předvečer předtím, ráno už se mi vůbec nelíbil. víte, já si myslím, že naprosto nejsem košilový typ. jakýkoliv typ trička či košile s límečkem mi zkrátka nesedí. ani polo trička [a to jich mám TUNU!]. už tolikrát jsem zkoušela košili nosit, ale po celém dni na sobě jí prostě musím servat a zahodit co nejdál. z ničeho nic jí nenávidím. tedy, nechápejte mě špatně. miluju košile. závidím všem holkám, co jí umějí nosit, vypadají elegantně i ležérně zároveň a navíc ještě sexy. já jen prostě nenávidím SEBE v košili.
proto když jsem tam to ráno stála, chtěla jsem košili nějak pozměnit. napřed jsem zastrčila límeček. vypadalo to hezky. ale pořád jsem nebyla úplně spokojená. tak jsem měnila dál a dál. a skončila jsem s 8 různými verzemi. 8 různých outfitů z jedné košile. dobré, ne?
the first look is really really simple. what you have to do is just to tuck your collar in, unbutton few (4-5) buttons on your shirt and then let the sleeves fall over your shoulders creating a nice cleavage.
the second look is for those who like to show their back. while having the collar tucked in, you take out your hands from the sleeves and let the sleeves fall. then you pull the shirt up, button up as many buttons as possible, take the sleeves from the back and tuck them in the gap created between 1st and 2nd button. you definitely have to make a knot from the sleeves (being under the shirt) so that a faux pas will not happen.
the third one is actually the second one, just turned around. it's better to simply tie the sleeves around the neck and not tuck them in, since you wouldn't be able to control it as much (and it could fall out).
the fourth look is again a transformation of the one before. let the sleeves that are tied up around your neck fall and tie them tighter.. see the magic?
the fifth version is similar to the second one. instead of putting the sleeves over you shoulders from the back, do it the other side. from front and then tie them around your neck. again unbutton few buttons, like in look one to create the cleavage.
for the sixth one do the same thing as in the previous one, just cross the sleeves in the front.
number seven is the one i like the most. you can create a really nice tube dress like this. the base is in look one. except you take out your hands out of the sleeves, and then cross the sleeves infront your tummy and tie them around your body.
if you're the type who likes one-sleeve everything, the final 8th look is for you. you unbutton as much buttons as you need, turn your shirt so that one sleeve is at the back an one in the front, and then tie them together on your right shoulder. you can create a bow if you like.
so? do you like this quick & easy tutorial?
P.S. over the weekend, i'll write a post about our trip to Dresden!