stop by / ANTIPEARLE
Antipearle showroom
Janáčkovo nábřeží 61, Praha 5
Wednesday, 11am - 18pm
Ph/ Jean-Claude Etegnot
Everytime I wear a piece of my Antipearle collection, I get asked a lot what brand it is and where I got it from. And I love to see the sparkle of suprise in their eyes when I reply that it's actually a Czech brand and design. The mention of an online shop, however, seemed to turn people off (since they usually left before I could explain why online shopping is better to them, obviously) so I am super happy that now I'll be getting more smiles back, because Antipearle has opened a new showroom. And just like the whole philosophy of the brand and the designs of Marketa Dlouha Marova it's clean, simple, yet with a memorable, unique touch and edge. It all works and seems to fall perfectly together.
Feel free to pop in anytime each Wednesday afternoon. You can check out both of the collections, and the new one is absolutely amazeballs, must be noted; have a chat with the designer herself (I found out that the Sea Urchin ring, Double blacktip ring in gold/black and the blacktip earrings in gold/silver combination are among Marketa's favourites); or finally get that piece you have been eyeing and have on your wishlist since forever (oh, I know you do!). The thing I appreciate the most is that you can have your hand, ear or finger measured and so your pick will be practically tailored for you. Us with child sized everything exult!
INSIDER TIP / You can also rent the showroom as a place for a party, meeting or as a photography studio! Lots of daylight and white included.
Stavit se můžete každé středeční odpoledne. Třeba jen prohlédnout obě - a to musím zmínit, že ta nová je absolutně úžasná! - kolekce; popovídat si se samotnou designerkou (já například zjistila, že Markéty největší oblíbenci jsou: Sea Urchin prsten aka ježek, Double blacktip prsten ve zlatočerné kombinaci a Blacktip earrings v zlatostříbrné kombinaci); nebo zkrátka konečně pořídit ten kousek, který vyhlížíte tak šíleně dlouho (já to moc dobře vím!). To, co mě osobně přijde nejlepší je, že si můžete nechat změřit ruku, ucho, prst, nebo pro mě za mě nohu, a svůj vybraný šperk tak mít přesně na míru. Sláva pro všechny majitele pidi-zápěstí, jako mám já!
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