visibly invisible
this is how i looked exactly last week. after a day of dizziness, extreme headaches and basically feeling like i am about to faint and never wake up again, that it how i felt. visibly invisible. and looking back at it, it might not have been the brightest idea to bring on a white top and blazer. blending in with it is not my idea of appealing at all. thank god at least bronzers exist!
another year of Check Czech Fashion’s fashion event is over. not quite. the carrying wave of criticism is not at it’s peak just yet. and for the whole team behind this year’s show i have to thank you for that. honestly. it’s not words of praise and reassurance that make one learn, notice and move forward. no, no. it’s exactly those you could’ve done it betters that make you think. think how. and why.
so thanks. it’s not things we haven’t noticed and it’s not things we haven’t written down right after, highlighted as do it better next year. let’s hope for that then. let’s hope for one step closer to the long way to perfect next year.
další ročník Check Czech Fashion show je tedy za námi. tedy ne uplně. vlna kritiky se ještě nedostala ani na pomyslný přelom. a za to, vám, chci za celý tým za akcí stojícím, poděkovat. opravdu. nejsou to slova chvály a komplimenty, co člověka donutí si chybu uvědomit, poučit se a udělat krok dopředu. nene. jsou to přesně ty mohli jste to udělat líp, které vás donutí se zamyslet. zamyslet se jak. a kdy.
takže díky. jsou to věci, které si samy uvědomujeme a hned po akci si je zapsaly a zvýraznily jako příště to uděláme lépe. tak vzhůru do toho. ať je ten příští ročník zase o kousek blíž na té dlouhé cestě k dokonalosti.
now with that said, what still makes me wonder: why does someone who writes official report from the show not humble on compliments and praisal on the other hand keeps pulling dirt in comments everywhere else; secondly why does someone railing the moderator’s approach as inadequate and immature does act completely likewise during the whole night as in inappropriately (or drunk, i couldn’t puzzle that out) as a little coquette and lastly why do people absent that night go with their opinions out now. enlighten me in the comments.